Friday, January 11, 2008

Populating MySql table from MS Excel { aka .csv} file

I am working on small project for a non profit organization.
{I felt Apache, PHP & MySQL combination fits their need.
I will explain about that application little later.}

I have already received some data in MS Excel file.
Strangely some trailing columns are missing in some records after saving Excel file in to csv file.

Following command fails saying column truncated MySQL errors.

mysql> load data infile 'C://bea//temple//dpexport.csv' into table donar
_info_4 fields terminated by ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' Lines terminated by

After spend little more time with MySQL documentation,
I found out that IGNORE option does the magic &
I am able to load the csv files in my SQL table. Just add IGNORE next to infile.

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