Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Amazon Kindle is the next IPOD?

Few days back, I was little early to movie & I was waiting, sitting on a sofa, outside the theater.
Suddenly a young man sat next to me, seriously browsing web with his Amazon Kindle. (What made me curious was, he was reading one of my favorite web site, New York Times.) As I was paying attention to gadget , slowly he started talking all the good things about his new gadget & offered me to feel it. Quickly I checked the weight & look and feel of a blog & an e-book. Not so heavy & look and feel was very good & natural. I liked it a lot. I was so tempted after coming home, I checked Amazon website for Kindle.
(Little pricy, It was sold out & seems to be there is lot of demand for the gadget) Most of the reviews are positive. This incident remembers me another old incident with first experience with IPOD. Nearly4+ year's back, while coming back from my vacation, (India->London-> US), one person sitting next to me was explaining & talking & proud of owning a new IPOD. (If I remember correctly, it was the second month after IPOD launch.) Now I am seeing the same thing happening for Amazon's Kindle. I liked the way it was designed (automatic download content to the device)& convenience & thought process behind the Kindle. I was so surprised that Amazon came up with this kind of device. {After its initial launch as a major on line book store, this was the best thing from Amazon. My personal opinion. } Hoping that I will own Amazon Kindle very soon. It fits in to my taste.

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