Thursday, October 17, 2019

What's the biggest financial mistake you see many people make all the time?

Back when I was 28 years old, year 2000, I was making nearly ~100K minimum a year in IT field.
Every weekend, visiting A place for entertainment & spending, buying cool gadgets(At some point 3 TVs, Desktop, laptops, half dozen audio players etc.) On tops, based on  TV news, jumped in to Y2K stock market madness. But when stock market crashed, newly married, after a loss of job with 10K credit card debt, and on H1B Visa. Many sleepless night for short few weeks.
Luckily I found a job & saved me the entire scene.
Thinking backwards, I acted so dumb. Buying stocks based on news ( with margin). In my case, i used credit card money. plane DUMB.  So much of stuff for no reason.
fast forward 2019……..
Today, I am more comfortable.
 I learned how to save, invest, buying absolutely required stuff. More later

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