Thursday, July 03, 2008

Eclipse Ganymede C/C++ CDT IDE platform & my first impressions


1.Make sure you have a stable JDK on your machine ( in my case, I am using JDK 1.5
2.Download MinGW from
& install (make sure enabling g++ installtion option)&
update your system PATH setting

After step 2, in your windows command prompt
if you type g++ -v it will display the following.
C:\a_eclipse_c_c++\eclipse-cpp-ganymede-win32\eclipse>g++ -v
Reading specs from C:/MinGW/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.5/specs etc. etc.

3. Download eclipse & CDT environment from the following location.
4. After installing eclipse, start eclipse.
5. Start with File->new->project->c++ give default name etc.
6. At this stage you are ready go with new a class or import some existing file.
7. If you are experienced user with Eclipse IDE(i.e. for java code) building & running the code is very easy. Else your have play with Run-> new configuration.
Unfortunately Eclipse-> Help Content sucks.
I finished from step(2) to step(7) in less than 30 minutes. I wrote few c & c++ programs & everything looking good. More later.

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