Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dhanvi & Saketh still from 2009 India trip

Both Dhanvi & saketh likes the Mango a lot. However this is the first time, we took them to our own garden. Before going the garden, Dhanvi was very curious about the Mango tree & he says, will count all the mangos. At the end, after seeing the garden, he was tired in counting the number of trees itself & thrilled to see the groups of mangos handing at so low to the tree. ( see the back ground)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Long list of books waiting to be read - 1

Book title: What color is your parachute? 2010 by Richard N. Bolles

Nearly decade back, I read this book.
Now I picked the latest 2010 (Hard Times) edition.
During my Boston to Los Angeles transition, I looked at this book for some guidance.
Similar to old editions, book sticks to core ideas. However presentation & reference material was changed a lot. I am totally surprised to the information like 100 of job listing sites, starting home business etc. To some extent I am not following the latest trends. I have a job which I love & I do with tons of commitment. Because of this reason, last ten years, I never entertained any carrier change. So I am not aware of changing trends in Job markets. It does not matter if you are looking for a job or not; still it is worth reading.
Topic “Thing schools never taught us about job hunting” is always my favorite.

An interesting quote from the book
He or she who gets hired is not necessarily the one who can do the job the best; but, the one who knows the most about to get hired. – Richard Lathrop