Here is the use case: Assume, you are developing e-commerce search system, one fine day, someone from
marketing department comes and says he wants to able to sort the brad facet
differently ( neither increasing count order or lexicographical
order supported by the SOLR
facets module. For example bring Samsung after Apple, for a tablet category
brand facet) In this case, development team will end up customizing the sort at
application layer for each facet field. I did this as custom SOLR component. Following recipe will
show. I am not including all the component logic, but following logic which does parsing of facet component outputs & setting the
order differently.
public void process(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException
NamedList facet_counts = (NamedList)rb.rsp.getValues().get("facet_counts" );
if (facet_counts == null) return;
facet_fields = (NamedList>) facet_counts.get( "facet_fields" );
if (facet_fields == null) return;
if( facet_fields != null ) {
TreeMap sortedMap = new
int ctr=0;
for( Map.Entry> facet :
facet_fields ) {
String key = facet.getKey() ;
if ( customFacetCache.containsKey(key )){
facetDetails = customFacetCache.get(key);
if (facetDetails != null ){
sortOrder = facetDetails.sortOrder;
for( Map.Entry entry : facet.getValue() ) {
entry.getValue().longValue() );
if (sortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase("custom")){
///now introduce your own custom order.